Located in Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Homoeo Care works to restore health of people across the nation in soft, pure and effective Homeopathic way. It cares for patients from all sectors and all age groups. Over the past many years the clinic has helped many people regain their health by curing them of their ailments.
Homeopathy defines health as freedom on the physical level where the entire body operates in an integrated, harmonious way for optimum efficiency allowing us to respond appropriately to the environment. With its holistic approach, Homoeopathy targets the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis directly and is the right answer for the Modern day illnesses.
So, When a patient comes to us, we aim at a general level of well-being which supersedes the relief of the complaints, which is inevitable. We work towards a better and Healthy living! Every minute detail of the patient is captured which is used to find the best suitable remedy.
When remedies are selected with such minute detail so as to match every individual demand the question of side -effects is completely ruled out! The base of this science is individualizing and so patient- specific .The technique of selecting the appropriate medicine involves a painstaking and intricate procedure where every detail of the entire personality of the patient mental and physical is taken into account. The choice of remedy is such that it matches completely mentally and physically to the character of each patient. When such hard work goes into the selection of the remedy how can there be any side effects at all!
18+ Years of experience in Homeopathy Treatment.
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